Centre Information
Mission Statement
Children, Creativity, Community
Greenfields is an inclusive community where childhood is celebrated, and families are empowered through inspiring and creative early education and lifelong learning.
Centre Aims
The Centre is committed to providing a welcoming and inclusive environment where everyone is valued and cultural diversity is celebrated.
We encourage all children and parents/carers to develop positive self-esteem and become well motivated, independently lifelong learners.
We provide a broad and balanced holistic curriculum, which meets the needs of the individual and good practice based on research within the Early Years Foundation Stage.
We provide a safe, secure, creative, innovative and inspiring environment, which nurtures a life long learning programme.
We involve children/parents/carers/extended family and wider community as partners in the learning journey.
We work with multi-agency professional teams and promote an integrated approach to early intervention for children and families with additional needs.
We provide an inclusive environment where everyone is valued irrespective of race, religion, culture, gender, background, disability or age.
We continue to develop a team where all staff have high expectations of the child; where staff are valued, committed and motivated with opportunities for both personal and professional development.
We value and foster a listening culture whereby children and adults are heard and respected.
We strive to meet the needs of and empower the local community with a particular focus on children under five and their families.
Centre Policies
Our policies ensure the efficient and effective running of the Centre. All of our policies are available on request and core policies are available to download below.
Policies available to download:
Policies available to view at the centre:
Accessibility Plan
Administering Medicines Policy
Admissions Procedure
Alcohol and Substance Misuse Policy
Anti-bullying Policy
Appraisal Policy
Assessment and Record Keeping Policy
Behaviour Policy
Centre Emergency Management Plan
Charging, Remissions and Lettings Policy
Code of Conduct for Centre Employees
Code of Practise for Centre Governors
Community Cohesion
Complaints Procedure
Confidentiality Policy
Continence Policy
Documentation and Display
E-safety policy
EAL Policy
Ealing Data Protection Policy
Ealing Home to Place of Learning Travel Policy
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum Policy
Finance Policy and procedures
Fire Evacuation Policy
Food and Nutrition
Governors Allowances
Governors Visits
Guidelines for Home Visits
Guidelines for Setting Parent/Carer Boundaries
Health and Safety
Induction for Agency Staff
Induction for New Staff
Induction for Work Experience Students and Volunteers
Intimate Care Policy
Listening to Children
Lone Persons on Premises
Looked After Children
Lost Children
Lost Children on Outings
Managing Absence
Mark Making and Early Writing
Mobile Phone and Camera Policy
Parental Partnerships
Pay Policy
Policy and Guidelines for Physical Intervention
Policy and Procedures for Managing Unsatisfactory Performance
Policy and Procedures for Safeguarding and Protecting Children
Procedures for Outings and Visits
Procedures for Visitors
RBS Purchase Card
Responding to Allegations of Abuse against Centre Staff and Volunteers
Safer Recruitment Procedures
Special Educational Needs
Staff Expense Policy
Sick Children Policy
Smoking Policy
Stress Management/Well Being
Supervision Policy
Transition Policy
Uncollected Children
Whistleblowing Policy
Pupil Premium
The Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) is additional funding for early years settings to improve the education they provide for disadvantaged three and four year-olds.
Eligible children must be three or four years old and using their free early education entitlement and their parent or carer must receive one of the following benefits:
Income Support
Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
Child Tax Credit (provided they’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
Working Tax Credit run-on, which is paid for 4 weeks after they stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
Funding may also be available if a child falls into one of the following groups:
Looked after by the Local Authority
Adopted from Care
Has left Care through a Special Guardianship Arrangement
Has left Care and is subject to a Child Arrangement Order (previously known as a residence order
Please click below to see how the Centre has spent its Early Years Pupil Premium Funding in 2016/2017
Children's Meals
We recognise the important connection between a healthy diet and a child’s ability to learn effectively and to achieve well. Meal times are an important part of our daily routine at Greenfields because the sharing of food builds a sense of belonging and community. It is an opportunity to nurture and celebrate our cultural diversity and an excellent bridge for building friendships.
A lot of thought goes into planning a balanced and nutritional menu for our children as well as into providing a warm family atmosphere where children can enjoy their meals together.